X-Ray Machine Works!

In May we finally were able to take X-rays again.  Mark Heydenburg from International Aid, spent four days with us and helped us set up a used X-ray machine we purchased last year.  Thank you, Mark!

A couple of weeks ago Paul Davis and the hospital maintenance workers installed a plywood ceiling and air conditioning in the old hospital storeroom now serving as our temporary X-ray room, and in an adjoining room built us a darkroom with black plastic sheeting.  Our four months without X-rays have ended!

Thanks to a gift of $45,000 from Samaritan’s Purse, work started a month ago on a new X-ray floor that’s rising up to meet the all-steel second floor that was built by Jason Kalb and his team last January for conference rooms, medical records and office space. This photo shows the second floor with the first floor not yet completed.
