Class of 2012-2015 “Report Card Day”!
Bongolo Hospital Nursing School

Fall 2010 Entry of New Nursing Students
The first day of school students got registered, payed their student fee, learned about the school’s policies, signed their contracts and got a tour of the hospital.That afternoon they started a two week intensive Orientation Course which included Techniques, Pharmacology and Primary Health. The next Monday they started their regular fall quarter.
Graduation Dinner- May 2010
Nursing School Graduation 2010
On Sunday May 9, 2010 eight Bongolo Hospital Nursing students graduated in a ceremony held during the Bongolo Alliance Church service. The regular church service was held, but the message given by the Alliance District Superintendent, Pastor Mbesse, was directed towards the new graduates. At the end of the service the new Graduate Nurses slipped out and went to the back of the church where they entered the church while doing the “African Shuffle”, to music provided by the worship team, an electric keyboard and guitars.
After several speeches by various people, the diplomas were handed out. A reception was for the new graduate nurses and their invited guests. They were so excited and Praised the Lord to finally be finished with this 29 month study program!
Included in the last photo are three of the school’s Professors: Carolyn Thorson, Lisa Nicky and Moungala Claude. Two Professors, Rebecca Thompson and Karen Fitch were in the States and missed the Graduation.
Nursing School Renovation 2014!
The ceiling of the three room Nursing School is being torn down and a new plywood ceiling put into place. Students are on a four week break so it is a perfect time to take old and bring in the new. The attic has also been patched up so the BATS will no longer enter in between the metal roof and the plywood ceiling. The two rooms that have the work done and a fresh coat of paint smell so nice, awaiting the third room’s new look AND smell to come the last week in April.
Spiritual Retreat
The 2013 School Year began with a three day spiritual retreat. It was held at “Foyer” on the Bonoglo campus. Our guest speaker was Pastor Tona Khonde.
Computer Classes
During the summer of 2013 a two week basic computer class was taught to each of the Nursing students. This was a FIRST as the school had just been able to purchase ten laptops for use in helping the students become familiar with computers.
Meet the Students!
Click on the following link to meet the Nursing Students in the Class of 2012-2015.
Painting Team!
June 2010- A team of 12 visitors painted the Nursing School, inside and out! They came from five States in the U.S.: Indiana, Wisconsin, New Mexico, New York and Pennsylvania. Three visitors were summer interns and the nine were on a ten day trip to Gabon.